Frictionless, Password-Optional Authentication Anywhere, Everywhere
Welcome to biomio!

An All-in-one Multi-factor Authentication and Identity Verification Platform

*Biomio IAM leverages existing sensors and 3rd party identity verification devices to allow organizations and application providers to quickly build future-proof frictionless identity management and authentication into their environment

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How it works? (Learn More)

...with choice of authentication methods based on security targets, environment, and user preferences
Unlimited applications with flexible integration options
...with In-band and out of band verifications
Available as a cloud and enterprise packages
Built around standarts, built to achieve compilance...
Biomio connects and unifies identity verification factors into one cohesive platform


Choice of identity verification methods
Face recognition, fingerprint sensors, document scanning, FIDO U2F fobs, wearables - Biomio allows both administrator and the user to determine the identification methods most suitable to them and appropriate for the situation
Password optional
Biomio platform’s ability to combine multiple identity verification techniques to achieve passwordless logins, eliminating the most hack-proof and inconvenient authentication method.
Access Delegation
Delegating access provides users with ability to share their account without sharing their password. In addition to delegation, Biomio can enable split logins, approval-based logins and variety of other custom login workflows.
Identify and Verify
Use the platform to identify the user, verify their identity, or serve as 2nd, 3rd, 4th, nth factors during the login process.
oAuth, SDK, and Node.js Integration
Use oAuth2 to integrate with web sites, SDK’s to integrate with mobile applications, and Node.js library to integrate with IoT, or decide which interface is right for your application.
Web, Mobile, System, and IOT
The applications and topologies of today are multifaceted. Biomio provides a single access control / authentication / identity verification system for all of your use cases and modalities.

Password-related Costs (direct, for average enterprise annually)

Using passwords to control access is a thing of the past. Authentication should be done precisely and seamlessly, without being intrusive and without violating privacy laws. It should tie naturally into various systems and workflows. It should leave the user with the feeling that they and their data is safe, and it should provide the system administrators with the ability to fine tune the policies to match the security level of the resources they are trying to protect. Smart authentication requires a smart system behind it, a system that can unify, converge, and differentiate, while providing a great user experience.

in lost productivity
Including time recovering and resetting passwords, not getting access to the right systems on time
in missed profits
Including abandoned login transactions and partial check-outs
Cost of a data breach
Including abandoned login transactions and partial check-outs
in support costs
Including password resets and other login-related support

NIST SP 800-63-3
Digital Authentication Guidelines / Draft

Hoping to balance today’s requirements with future needs, the National Institute of Standards and Technology released a major update to Special Publication 800-63 for digital authentication. The third version was published Aug. 30, and divides the digital authentication document into four sections, ranging from credentials that are tied to a specific person to the process of sending those authentication results to the party who needs know that certification.